Hello Everyone,
My name is Dan, I'm 18, and I'd thought i'd set up a blog.
Simply, I'm going to be blogging about the sort of stuff that I'm interested in. Stuff that will be insightful and hopefully interesting at the same time. I imagine i'll be writing on topics such as Politics, Current Affairs, Sc(k)epticism, History, Philisophical Ideas, the Environment, and general other trends which will hopefully appear if I catch the blogging bug.
To give you a bit of taster of what sort of things i'll be writing about here's a few topics which i've duly plastered on my wall in the form of postlit notes;
The Front Nationale, a right wing party in France,
The current state of the Belgian Parliament,
The Singularity principle, ( The idea that one day human intelligence will be matched by artifical intelligence, nerdy but also very cool)
How Polticians are judged today,
Turnout at elections,
Riot Policing, should it be more severe or more lenient,
Probing into some Daily Mail, (Daily Fail) articles,
The cons of cherry picking data,
Reducing our carbon emissions by 80% by 2050,
Looking back at religion from the future, will it be seen as a force for good?
The recent decision to ban nuclear power in Germany.
Hopefully i'll get a chance with all my free time over the summer to write posts on ideally all of these topics, although that may be being a little optimistic!
Please do leave suggestions if you have any.